Alen Security is proud to be a reliable commercial security company near Levittown, PA and to provide the necessary systems and solutions to a number of businesses and institutions throughout the area.


Levittown, PA is a community in Lower Bucks County that was first constructed in 1952 and grew to prominence during post-WWII America. Over the years, the area expanded from being a residential community to one of industry, offering several local and national businesses within its radius. Today, Levittown is home to more than 52,000 people.


Monitoring the day-to-day operations and off-hours of your facility is vital. It allows you to keep track of productivity as well as detect any suspicious activity like unlawful entries or even theft.

Our IP Video Surveillance systems allow you to monitor footage both on-site and remotely. Your system can also be configured with cloud storage, allowing you save to on servers and server replacements giving you a lower overall total cost of ownership.


When you have sensitive areas in your facility, whether it’s a server room, a closet with valuable inventory, or a records office, it’s important to limit access to those with authorized clearance.

Our Access Control Systems will ensure that these areas stay closed off except to those who you’ve determined. These systems can work with keycards or even an app on your phone. You can also easily grant or limit access by the touch of a button. This system also works in tandem with your IP Video system, so you can establish a clear record of entries and exits to these areas and receive video of door alarms right in your email or your phone.


The number one form of security is a lock. Preventing entry to safeguard your facility. The second is alarms—the aspect of alerting once your locks have been bypassed. We can assist you with developing a system to thwart unwanted intrusion and an effective alarm system to sound should the lock be broken. This alarm won’t only sound for those nearby, but it can be configured to notify your central station and nearby authorities.


Fires can be a disastrous event for your business. Not only can it destroy your facility, components, and inventory, it can pose a health and safety risk to your staff. Having an effective Fire Alarm System in place can help you catch the emergency early and take preventative measures.

Our Commercial Fire Alarm Systems can help you by detecting where the smoke or fire was detected, giving first responders this vital information upon arrival, allowing them to focus their efforts.


If you’re ready to address the security needs of your business or facility in Levittown, Pennsylvania, you can look to us at Alen Security for assistance. We’ll conduct a walkthrough of your facility to determine the right areas to install cameras and locks. We’ll also provide training on how the systems work, and even be there for support during maintenance and updates.

Contact us at Alen Security to get started!


Don’t partner with Alen Security because we’ve been in business for more than 50 years. Partner with us because of what that experience enables us to bring to the table for every single interaction with your commercial security needs.

10 Reasons to Partner with Alen Security

  1. We don’t sell products, programs, or packages. We develop comprehensive, integrated solutions.
  2. We value our vendor relationships, but our recommendations are driven by client relationships.
  3. We choose hardware, software, and services based on your specific security and safety goals.
  4. We only recommend products and services to our clients after evaluating and testing them ourselves.
  5. We believe security solutions should be easy to use, easy to manage, flexible, and scalable.
  6. We are self-sufficient with certified installers, certified technicians, and certified fire door inspectors on staff.
  7. We see installation as just the beginning. We grow with our clients through service, maintenance, and system expansion.
  8. We have experience developing security solutions for large and small companies in all industries, especially logistics and distribution centers, corporate offices, pharma and biotech, and education.
  9. We are committed to constant improvement and evolution through ongoing training, education, and product testing.
  10. We believe the true value of our long history is the real-world experience that will allow us to exceed client expectations in the future. 

Don’t partner with Alen Security because we’ve been in business for more than 50 years. Partner with us because of what that experience enables us to bring to the table for every single interaction.

Experience the ALEN ADVANTAGE877.215.2536 (ALEN) Call today!